Monday, May 25, 2009

Fast to be healthy

Fasting has its advantages from the point of view of health and hygiene. Islam wants a Muslim to be healthy, clean, alert, agile and energetic. "Fast to be healthy," had said the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). And physicians today acknowledge the many benefits of fasting that ensure health and the soundness of one's body and mind. Some of these positive points have a direct influence on psychology and physique of the fasting individual.

Fasting and HealthFasting has been found to be an effective treatment for psychological and emotional disorders. It helps a person to firm up his will, cultivate and refine his taste and manners, strengthen his conviction of doing good, avoid controversy, petulance and rashness, which all contribute towards a sane and healthy personality. Besides nurturing resistance and ability to face hardships and endurance, fasting reflects on outward physical appearance by cutting out gluttony and getting rid of excess fat. The benefits of fasting on health do not stop there but are instrumental in alleviating a number of physical diseases, including those of the digestive systems, such as chronic stomachache, inflammation of the colon, liver diseases, indigestion, and conditions such as obesity, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, asthma, diphtheria and many other maladies.

A Swiss physician Dr. Barsilus noted that: The advantages of hunger as a remedy exceed those ingesting medicine several times.

As readers are well aware, several physicians advise patients to skip meals, sometimes for a few days, before prescribing them a controlled diet.

Generally speaking, fasting hastens the destruction of the decaying tissues of the body by means of hunger, and then builds new tissues through nutrition. This is why some scientists suggest that fasting should be regarded as an effective means of restoring youthfulness and longevity. However, Islam exempts from fasting sick and old people whose health is bound to deter.

But fasting should have its regulations too, and not simply the in orderly skipping meals, that is bound to harm health and stamina, rather than improving them. Here again Islam provides the answer, and in order to realize the benefits of fasting, it recommends the late midnight meals called 'Sahar' (before the formal start of a fast) and the breaking of the fast at the time prescribed. Of course, to ensure good health one should abstain from gluttony after breaking fast.

Moderation: It is difficult to identify the moderation in the desires for food and sex because of the different needs and energies of individuals. Moderation of an individual may be considered as exaggeration or shortage for another. The relative moderation is to have only the quantity that is sufficient, away from greed and fill. The best criterion in this regard is that which was stated by Imam Ali (AS):

"Son! May I instruct you four words after which you will no longer need medicine? Do not eat unless you are hungry. Stop eating while you are still hungry. Chew food deliberately. Before sleeping, go to toilet. You will not need medicine if you follow."

In the holy Quran, there is a Verse gathering the whole matter of medicine. It is: "...Eat and drink but do not be excessive."





The Greatest Name



The All-Compassionate



The All-Merciful



The Absolute Ruler



The Pure One



The Source of Peace



The Inspirer of Faith



The Guardian



The Victorious



The Compeller



The Greatest



The Creator



The Maker of Order



The Shaper of Beauty



The Forgiving



The Subduer



The Giver of All



The Sustainer



The Opener



The Knower of All



The Constrictor



The Reliever



The Abaser



The Exalter



The Bestower of Honors



The Humiliator



The Hearer of All



The Seer of All



The Judge



The Just



The Subtle One



The All-Aware



The Forebearing



The Magnificent



The Forgiver and Hider of Faults



The Rewarder of Thankfulness



The Highest



The Greatest



The Preserver



The Nourisher



The Accounter



The Mighty



The Generous



The Watchful One



The Responder to Prayer



The All-Comprehending



The Perfectly Wise



The Loving One



The Majestic One



The Resurrector



The Witness

Al-h Haqq


The Truth



The Trustee



The Possessor of All Strength



The Forceful One



The Governor



The Praised One



The Appraiser



The Originator



The Restorer



The Giver of Life



The Taker of Life



The Ever Living One



The Self-Existing One



The Finder



The Glorious



The Only One



The One



The Satisfier of All Needs



The All Powerful



The Creator of All Power



The Expediter



The Delayer



The First



The Last



The Manifest One



The Hidden One



The Protecting Friend



The Supreme One



The Doer of Good



The Guide to Repentance



The Avenger



The Forgiver



The Clement

Malik al-Mulk


The Owner of All



The Lord of Majesty and Bounty



The Equitable One



The Gatherer



The Rich One



The Enricher



The Preventer of Harm



The Creator of The Harmful



The Creator of Good



The Light



The Guide



The Originator



The Everlasting One



The Inheritor of All



The Righteous Teacher



The Patient One

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Purpose of the Creation of Human Beings?

  • We did not create the heaven and the earth and all that is between them inplay.
  • If We had wished to find pastime, We could have found it in Our Presence -if ever We did.
  • I have not created jinn nor men except to worship Me.
  • I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask them to feed Me.
  • Behold! Allah is He Who gives livelihood, the Lord of Unbreakable Might.

Allah, The Creator Subjected the Universe to Human Control

  • And the cattle He has created for you. Fromthem you have warm clothing and uses, and whereof you eat.
  • And wherein is beauty for you, when youbring them home, and when you take them out to pasture.
  • And they carry your loads unto a land youcould not reach except with souls distressed. Behold! Your Lord is indeed MostKind, Most Merciful.
  • And (He has created) horses and mules anddonkeys that you may ride them, and for ornament. And He creates that which youknow not.
  • And depend on Allah for direction to theStraight Path, but some (paths) go not straight: And had He willed He would haveled you all aright (by His Guidance).
  • Allah is He Who sends down water from thesky, from it you have drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation with which youfeed your cattle.
  • Therewith He causes crops to grow for you,and the olive and the date-palm and grapes and fruits of all kinds. Behold!Herein is indeed a sign for people who reflect.
  • And He has constrained the night and theday and the sun and the moon to be of service unto you, and the stars are madesubservient by His command. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for people who havesense.
  • And whatsoever He has created for you inthe earth of diverse hues, Behold! Therein is indeed a sign for people who takeheed.
  • And Allah is He Who has constrained thesea to be of service that you eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, andbring forth from it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships plowing therein,that you (mankind) may seek of His bounty and that you may be grateful.
  • And He has cast into the earth firm hillsthat it quakes not with you, and streams and roads that you may find your way.
  • And landmarks (too), and by the stars theyfind their ways.
  • Is He then Who creates like one who doesnot create? Will you not then remember?
  • And if you try to count the favors ofAllah you cannot number them. Behold! Allah is indeed Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful.
  • Allah has given you in your houses andabode, and has given you (also), of the hides of cattle, houses which you findlight (to carry) on the day of migration and on the day of pitching camp; and oftheir wool and their fur and their hair, caparison and comfort (to serve you)for a time.
  • And Allah has given you, of that which Hehas created, shelter from the sun; and has given you places of refuge in themountains, and has given you coats with which to ward off the heat, and coats(of armor) to save you from your own foolhardiness. Thus He perfects His favorunto you, in order that you may surrender (unto Him).
  • But if they turn away, your duty is onlyto preach the Clear Message.
  • They (the unbelievers) know the favor ofAllah but then deny it. Most of them are ingrates.

  • Allah is He Who appointed the sun asplendor and the moon a light, and measured for it stages, that you might knowthe number of the years, and the count (of time). Allah did not create (all)that but in Truth. He details the revelations for people who have knowledge.
  • Behold! In the difference of day and nightand all that Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are portents, forthose who fear Him.
  • Will they not look at the camels, how theyare created?
  • And the heavens, how it is raised?
  • And the hills, how they are fixed firms?
  • And the earth, how it is spread out?
  • Remind them, for you are not but a reminder.

Signs in the Other Creatures

  • Behold! In the cattle there is a lessonfor you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from betweenthe refuse and the blood, pure milk palatable to the drinkers.
  • And of the fruits of the date-palm, andgrapes, you derive strong drink and (also) good food. Behold! Therein is indeeda sign for people who have sense.
  • And the Lord inspired the (female) bee:"Choose your habitations in the hills and in the trees and in that whichthey (humans) dwell."
  • "Then eat of all fruits, and followthe paths of your Lord (which were) made smooth". There comes forth fromtheir bellies a drink of diverse hues (honey), and wherein is healing formankind. Behold! Herein is indeed a sign for people who give thought.
  • And We have placed therein gardens of thedate-palm and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.
  • That they may eat of the fruit thereof,which their hands did not make. Will they not, then, give thanks?
  • Glory be to Him Who created all the pairsof that which the earth grows, and of themselves, and of that which they knownot!
  • And a reminder for them is night. We stripit of the day, and behold! They are in darkness.
  • And the sun runs on unto a resting-place(orbit) for it. That is the measuring of the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
  • And for the moon We have appointedmansions until it returns like an old shriveled palm-leaf.
  • It is not permitted that the sun catch upto the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day: All float in an orbit.
  • And a reminder for them is that We beartheir offspring in laden ship,
  • And We have created for them similar onwhich they ride.
  • And if We will, We drown them, and thereis no help for them, neither can they be saved.
  • Unless by mercy from Us and as comfort fora while.
  • When they are told: Fear that which isbefore you and that which is behind you, that you may find mercy (they areheedless).
  • Never did a sign come to them (theunbelievers) of the signs of their Lord, but they did turn away from it!

Attributes of Allah

Muslims talk about ninety-nine attributes of Allah; a few are given in the following verses of the Qur'an.

"And He is the Mighty, the Wise. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth; He gives life and He gives death; and He is able to do all things. He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is the Knower of all things."

"Allah is He, than Whom there is no other deity. He knows (all things) both secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Allah is He, than Whom there is no other deity; the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. He is Allah the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (and Colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is the heavens and on earth, do declare His Praise and Glory; and He is exalted in Might, the Wise."

"Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His permission? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includes the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous."
"The Originator of the heavens and the earth!"

"The Beneficent, the Merciful: Owner of the Day of Judgment.

"Say: Call upon Allah, or call upon Ar-Rahman: by whatever name you call upon Him, (it is well): For to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names."

"And you seek the Grace of Allah: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

"The revelation of this Book is from Allah, Exalted in Power, Full of Knowledge, Who forgives sin, accepts repentance, is strict in punishment, and has a long reach (in all things). There is no god but He: to Him is the Final Goal."

Allah the Creator and Lord of the universe

Allah is the name of the true One God in the Arabic language. In the Hebrew language His name is Eloh, Elohim for respect. It is well known that when a word is borrowed from one language to another, its spelling and pronunciation is often altered. It is, therefore, reasonable to say that Eloh and Allah are names of the same Deity of Abraham believed by the three monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Islam is the most rigorously monotheistic religion among the three dedicated to the worship of Allah, never seen by a human eye.

Who is Allah? The translation of verses from the Qur'an are given to answer this question. References of the verses are given in brackets, the number before the colon represents the Surah (chapter) and the following number represents the verse number.Allah, the One Only:

  • "Proclaim: Allah is One. Allah is Eternal. He neither begets nor was begotten."
  • "Nothing is like unto Him."
  • "If there were therein Gods besides Allah, then verily both (the heavens and the earth) would have collapsed into disorder and chaos. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, transcendent beyond all they ascribe unto Him."
  • "Sight can never reach Him; His sight reaches all things."
  • "And proclaim: Praise be to Allah, Who has not taken unto Himself a son, and Who has no partner in the Sovereignty, nor has He (need for) any protecting friend through dependence.
  • "Allah! There is no God save Him."
  • "Is there any God beside Allah? Nay, but they are folk who ascribe equals (unto Him)!"
  • "Is there any God beside Allah? Nay, but most of them know not."

Monday, May 4, 2009


Besides the predators we have mentioned so far, there are also some plants which "hunt" by using amazing methods. One of these is the "Venus" plant, which catches and feeds on insects that visit it.

The hunting system of this plant works as follows: a fly looking for food among the plants suddenly comes across one which is very attractive: the Venus plant. What makes this plant, which resembles a pair of hands holding a bowl, attractive, is its charming red color and, more
Importantly, the sweet scent secreted by the glands surrounding its petals. The fly is charmed by this irresistible smell and lands on the plant without hesitation. While moving towards the origin of the food, it inevitably touches the seemingly harmless hair over the plant. After a short while, the plant suddenly snaps its petals shut. The fly is left tightly compressed between two petals. The Venus plant starts to secrete a "flesh dissolving" liquid, which causes the fly to turn into a jelly-like substance, and then the plant consumes the fly by absorbing it.
The swiftness of the plant in catching the fly is remarkable. The speed of the plant in closing is faster than the fastest closing speed of the hands of a human (if you try to catch a fly sitting on your palm, you most probably would not succeed, but the plant does). How, then, can this plant, which has no muscles or bones, make such an abrupt move?
Scientific research:
Research has shown that there exists an electrical system inside the Venus plant. The system works as follows: the strokes of the fly on the hairs of the plant are transmitted to the receptors under the hairs. If this mechanical push is strong enough, these receptors will send electrical signals along the petal, just like waves in a pool. These signals are carried to the motor cells that cause the petals to make sudden moves, and finally the mechanism is activated to swallow the fly.
In addition to the stimulus system of the plant, the mechanical system by which the trap is closed also is created perfectly. As soon as the cells inside the plant receive electrical stimulation, they change the concentration of water within themselves. The cells inside the trap release water from their bodies. This event is like the dying of a deflated balloon. The cells outside the trap, on the other hand, take in excess water and swell. Thus, the trap is closed in the same way as when a person, in order to move his arm, needs to have one muscle contract and one relax. The fly trapped inside the plant actually touches the hairy strands repeatedly, causing the propulsive electrical force to discharge again, and making the trap more tightly closed. Meanwhile, the digestive glands in the trap are also activated. As a result of stimulation, these glands kill the insect and start slowly dissolving it. Thus, the plant feeds on digestive fluids that have turned into a bowl of soup enriched by plant proteins. At the end of the digestion, the mechanism that makes the trap close works conversely to open it.

This system has yet another interesting feature: in order to activate the trap, the hairs have to be touched twice in succession. The first touch generates a static electric charge but the trap is not closed. The trap is only closed with a second touch after the static charge reaches a certain point and discharges. Due to this dual action mechanism, the flytrap is never closed without purpose. For instance the trap does not become activated as soon as a raindrop falls on it.
Now, let us contemplate this striking system. The whole system has to exist at the same time for the plant to catch its prey and digest it properly. The absence of only one element would mean death for the plant. For instance, if there were no hairs inside the leaf, the plant would not close, as the reaction would never start although the insect would walk all over and inside the plant. If the closing system were there, but if the plant were devoid of secretions to digest the insect, the whole system would be useless. In brief, any element lacking in the system would mean the death of the plant.
This plant, since the moment it was created, must have always possessed the features we refer to here. The plant, no doubt, did not suddenly transform into a hunter. It is certainly not the "magical spell of coincidences" that has made the plant such a professional hunter.
The most important point is that this proficient hunter does not have the capacity to think. If this living being were not a plant but an animal, then the advocates of evolution would possibly claim that the animal had progressed by itself with the estimable contributions (!) of "nature".
What we are talking about here is that this system is found in a plant, a being with no brain or similar structure, and which is certainly unconscious. The plant is not even aware that it is hunting. It, too, is already created with a system by which it can feed itself without any effort just like all other plants.
The presence of different fruits in each season is another subject to think about. It is a favor and grace of Allah to people that, for example, in winter, a period when people need vitamins most, such C vitamin-rich fruits as tangerines, oranges and grapefruits are available, while in summer, such fruits as cherries and thirst-quenching melons, watermelons and peaches are abundant.

Signs of Allah in leaves

Bright green and living leaves growing out of the dry wood of a branch, water reaching the threadlike veins of the leaves at heights of many meters, the leaves not drying out under the burning sun... these are only a few of the numerous subjects about which trees make one think.
All the above discussion proves that there is one Allah SWT who is the creator and sustainer of this universe and the entire things in universe from the microscopic organism to the macroscopic objects of universe prove the existence of Allah and oneness of Allah.

Signs of Allah in fruits:

The conscientious person, who sees a large variety of fruit on the dining table, thinks the following: That out of the dark soil come fruits of diverse colors, a variety of fragrances, with extremely clean contents, each of which has a very pleasant taste, is a great favor Allah grants people.The banana, tangerine, orange, melon, and watermelon, in short all fruits, are created each with its wrappings. Their peels protect fruits from decay and ruin. Their fragrances are also preserved in these wrappings. Soon after their wrappings are removed, they begin to turn black and spoil.When examined one by one, the fruits are seen to have many delicate points of significance. The tangerine and orange, for example, are segmented. If they were a single piece, it would have been more difficult to eat such juicy fruits. Yet, Allah has fashioned them in slices for people's convenience. Unquestionably, this flawless, extremely aesthetical design, perfectly addressing our needs, is one of the signs of the creation of Allah, the Most Knowing.The strawberry, for example, is a very special fruit with its particular form and taste. The patterns on it seem as if they are meticulously designed. With its refreshing red form crowned with green leaves, it is one of the works of the matchless art of Allah. The sweetness in its fragrance and taste, and its being seedless and skinless, make it easy to eat thus reminding one the fruits of Paradise. That a fruit, which almost entirely grows in the soil, has such a beautiful and striking color, is a very strong sign to us from our Lord Who creates it and Who manifests His art, wisdom and knowledge in the things He creates.The presence of different fruits in each season is another subject to think about. It is a favor and grace of Allah to people that, for example, in winter, a period when people need vitamins most, such C vitamin-rich fruits as tangerines, oranges and grapefruits are available, while in summer, such fruits as cherries and thirst-quenching melons, watermelons and peaches are abundant.

Allah, the Sustainer, the Cherisher, the Lord (Al-Rabb)

"All praise is due to Allah Alone, the Lord [the Sustainer, the Cherisher] of the worlds."

"Everything We have created and prescribed for its measure, its character and destiny…No creature creeps on earth but Allah provides for it its sustenance. He knows its purpose and destiny. For it is He Who prescribed them in His eternal order…The sun rises and sets traversing its orbit exactly as the Almighty, the All Knowing has ordained. And the moon passes regularly through its phases, returning to its original thin crescent form. Neither sun nor moon overtakes the other; neither night nor day deviates from their preordained courses. Each moves in the orbit Allah has ordained for it.

In the Qur'an, the name Allah is used more than 2,600 times and His attribute, Al-Rabb (the Lord, the Cherisher, the Sustainer), has been used over 1,000 times.

Allah the Creator

"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and We made every living thing from water? Will they not then believe?"

"And He it is Who created the night and the day, and sun and the moon. They float each in an orbit… And from among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate neither to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you (really) worship Him."

"He has created man: He has imparted unto him articulate thought and speech. [At His behest] the sun and the moon run their appointed courses; the stars and the trees prostrate themselves [before Him]. And the skies have He rose high, and has devised [for all things] a measure, so that you [too, O men,] might never transgress the measure [of what is right]: weigh, therefore, [your deeds] with equity, and cut not the measure short!"

"It is Allah Who created everything in the best of form…It is He Who created and perfected all things."

"It is Allah Who created life and death that you may prove yourself worthy in your deeds."

"Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no god except Him, the Creator of all things, so serve Him. And He takes care of all things."
"He is the Cleaver of the daybreak, and He has appointed the night for stillness, and the sun and the moon to run their appointed courses: [all] this is laid down by the Will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing."

"Allah is He Who created seven heavens and of the earth a similar number. Through the midst of them (all) descends His command: that you may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things in (His) knowledge."

"He it is Who has made the sun a [source of] radiant light and the moon shining [surface], and has determined for it phases so that you might know how to compute the years and to measure [time]. None of this has Allah created without [an inner] truth. Clearly does He spell out these messages unto people of [innate] knowledge."

· "Allah has indeed made all things in heaven and earth subservient to humankind; it is all from Him. Lo! Herein verily are portents for people who reflect."