Sunday, May 3, 2009


Virtually every human being has pondered thisquestion. Some answered by saying that the formation of the universe was merelya coincidence. Others felt there must be an unseen Creator. In what will follow,we will try to assist you in answering this question. Our approach will dependprimarily on the text of the Quran (the Word of Allah (i.e. God), inspired toProphet Muhammad ). We request only that you open your mind and read.

Allah asks in the Quran:

35. Were they created out of nothing? Or werethey themselves the creators?
36. Or did they create the heavens and theearth? Nay, but they are sure of nothing!

Most deny or ignore the existence of TheCreator because they cannot see Him. However, there are many things which we don’t see, but yet we believe in their existence. Further, most of us believe in creatures which exist yet undiscovered and undocumented.
Many reject the existence of The Creator, believing only in science and data gathered and confirmed by its canonicalmethods. But, on any given day, the same person might find himself in love, deep remorse or sadness. And while contriving the most complex and personal thoughts, he does not, at the time, suppose that his feelings are a random product of firing neurons. How can he then believe that the only distinction between acorpse and a living person is the absence of organ functionality. That we needonly revive his physical body to restore him to normality.


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