Sunday, April 26, 2009



Knowledge is the state of mind when certainty level of perception is 100%.

In Holy Quran the base of knowledge is described as
The angles said, “Glory to you! We have no knowledge. Accept the knowledge you have taught us”. (AL-BAQAARAH: 32). MAY Allah teach us the true knowledge of Islam.

The Islamic knowledge:

“Read in the name of Allah Subahana Watalla who created you”. (AL_ALAQ).

“Allah (SWT) will grant in degree those of you who believe in Allah (SWT) and those who have been granted knowledge”.

This shows us that true knowledge exists in the believe of Allah (SWT). As we believe on Allah it opens the new horizon of fikr that means to contemplate on what is created by Allah (SWT) and the basis of the creation of this world.


1. The Prophet (SAW) said,
“Allah (SWT) will grant knowledge of Islam to over evils good for.”

2. The Prophet (SAW) will make the way to paradise easy for him who follows a path in search of knowledge.

3. He who goes forth in search of Islam1 will be in Allah (SWT) `s way until he returns.

4. Allah (SWT) will make the path to paradise easy for him who follow a path in search of knowledge. The angels lower their wings for seeker of knowledge being with what he does. The inhabitants of heavens and earths are even the fish in the depth of ocean seek forgiveness for him. The superiority of a learned person over that of a worshipper is like that of the moon over the stars. The learners are heirs of Prophets. The Prophets bequeath neither Dinar nor Durham but knowledge and he who has acquired it has in fact acquired an abandoned portion.

Islamic portion knowledge is not limited to a particular branch of knowledge; rather all branches of knowledge constitute Islamic knowledge if they serve to utilize purpose of Islam.

If we deeply analyze the holy Quran and try to read it with meanings then we come to know that the holy Quran is a complete book related to all the worldly knowledge and Devine knowledge as some chapters relate to the knowledge of biology as it gives the detailed description of all the living things including human being. It also comprises of chemical composition of all the things that belongs to chemistry. The creation of heavens and earth tells us about the physics of the universe like that all other disciplines of knowledge exist in holy Quran. The need of hour is that we should try to think likely the Devine book of Allah Almighty.


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