Monday, April 27, 2009


The lexical meanings of knowledge or ilm is the sure perception of reality of things and its attributes.

Kalam means speech and al-kalam means a speech that is well organized and well-supported by argument.

Terminological meaning of ilm-ul-kalam:
The branch of knowledge that deals with detailed study of faith and their intellectual (scientific, logical or relational) proof is called ilm-ul-kalam.

Article of faith:
(1) belief in Allah(AWT)
(2) belief in angels
(3) belief in holy book
(4) belief in messengers
(5) belief in day of judgment
(6) belief in life after death10

Subject of ilm-ul-kalam:
The subject of ilm-ul-kalam is the very being of Allah (SWT) because it deals with the existence of Allah (SWT), His attribution, His doings like creation of universe and its end. His injunctions like ending Prophets and His rights as being the sole ilaah.

Objective of ilm-ul-kalam:
Objective from study of ilm-ul-kalam is to seek the pleasure of Allah (SWT) by learning the fundamentals of deen and its intellectual proof and arguments.


Lexical meaning :
Aqeedah is the world of Arabic language. it is derived from a root word “Aqada” meaning as to tie to knot, to fasten or to contract .to strengthen any matter ,Arabs would give the corner of their shawls to each other and family tie them. Upon doing this was called “Aqd”. Therefore pacts and contracts are also called “Aqood” thus Aqeedah lexical gives the meaning of the contract between two entities.

Terminological meaning:
Terminologically Aqeedah or belief stands for the inner convication (strong belief) of a person that directs and controls his/her life pattern and activities in Islamic terminology , Aqeedah stands for the acceptance of fundamental realities stated in the articles of faith in such a sincere manner that it creates an inner conviction to submit to the instructions of Allah (SWT) in all aspects of one’s life it is called Aqeedah because it is the inner conviction and contract of a believer with Allah (SWT).


Lexical meaning:
Imaan is a word oa Arabic language. It is derived from a root word “Amana” or “Amuna” . when an alif is added to the root word it becomes “Aamana” or “Aamuna” that gives the meaning as to ratify or to belief .
Imaan is the verbal noun from Aamana . Thus Imaan lexically gives the meaning of saving someone from the fear of denial and rejection by his or her ratification or being faithful or loyal to someone.

Terminological meaning :
Imaan is not merely the name of a declaration . the verbal declaration of one`s Imaan does not make him a momin.

Allah (SWT) says in the holy Quran:
“The people there are some who say .“we belief in Allah (SWT) and the last day ;”but they do not belief ”. (Al-Baqarah:8)

Imaan is actually that Aqeedah which deeply influence one`s heart and mind.

ALama Raghib said:
“Imaan is that confirmation which gives peace or satisfaction”

Imaan is the name of speech and practice.


speech means saying with the heart and tongue .saying with the heart means believing with heart and saying with the tongue means its verbal declaration

Practice of heart means intention to do sincere and pious deeds. Practice of the body parts refer to do things which are ordered and to refrain from prohibited things. If Imaan is complete, then its effects are seen on the practice but if it is defected. Then various deficiencies become apparent.


Unknown said...

kalmaye tayab

Unknown said...

please send me yhe forrment of kalamaye tayaba

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